Melatonin 101:
And the Importance It has on Health & Fitness
Did you know that Melatonin has many benefits to health and fitness other than helping you fall asleep at night? Melatonin is not only the vitamin gummy or capsule that you can buy at your local CVS, but it is also referred to as our body's natural sleep hormone. As an athlete, it is important for us to keep our circadian rhythm in check for optimal sleep for enhanced performance and training sessions. The benefits of melatonin are quite reassuring and we are here to give you all the information you need to learn more!
Keep reading to learn the importance behind melatonin and how we can use it to optimize our health and fitness!
We've all been there...
With a nonstop schedule full of work, workouts, and family time, our sleep is likely the factor being sabotaged. Whether it's the late night shift or the high-intensity training session keeping the mind running all hours of the night, the limited amount of sleep may lead to a decline in progress and even your health!
Many people often overlook the importance of sleep and all the benefits a sufficient amount provides. A full night of rest is when our body has time to recover, restore its energy, and release restorative hormones (HGH and testosterone), to help repair broken down muscles and tissues.
However, falling asleep right when your head hits the pillow may be out of the ordinary for most people. For many of us, with a bunch of things on our mind, it may take an hour or two to fall asleep! Well good news! Melatonin might just be your new go-to supplement when you're having trouble falling asleep!
What is it?
Melatonin is an endogenous hormone that is naturally produced in the body. It is produced in a small organ of the brain called the pineal gland. Melatonin helps regulate sleep-wake cycles, telling your body when it is time to go to bed and when it's time to wake up.
When an individual lacks naturally produced melatonin, they may look for a synthetic supplement form. This dietary supplement is a safe way to help you fall asleep and get those Zs for focus and performance the next day!
How does it work?
Since melatonin is already produced naturally in the body, having a melatonin supplement serves as an extra boost to help make us feel tired when our minds are racing. Melatonin is safe to use and doesn't cause addiction, but you should consult with your doctor before starting usage.
How to use:
Some experts recommend a dosage of around 0.5 to 3 milligrams for sleep-related issues (WebMD, 2022). Luckily,AstroFlav's new supplement,MetaBurn P.M. provides 2mg per serving to help you get sufficient hour of sleep!
Sources of Melatonin:
The two main sources of melatonin are: naturally produced in the body and a synthetic dietary supplement. However, there are six foods that are linked to having a good amount of melatonin in them:
Tart Cherries
Although there is not a given amount of melatonin in each of these foods, there is still an adequate amount in each to add to your diet (WebMD, 2022).
Does melatonin help with fat loss?
So, to answer the big question if melatonin helps with fat loss...
Melatonin has also been seen to fight fat in two ways: it helps the body convert fat to energy and improves the thermogenic capacity of mitochondria. By helping the body convert fat to energy, melatonin aids in fat loss by speeding up the conversion process. Additionally, the thermogenic capacity of mitochondria (an energy demanding process) is also improved by the help of melatonin. The high demand of energy thus promotes fat loss!
Although melatonin is a great dietary supplement to promote sleep and aid in fat loss, alone, it does not have a dramatic effect on weight loss. Diet, exercise, and lifestyle approaches are always recommended to alter and adjust first.
MetaBurn P.M. not only promotes a restful night sleep, but it also has been formulated to serve as a nighttime fat-burner and metabolism booster. Give it a try and let us know what you think!
Melatonin and lean muscle mass
For the busy, on-the-go gym rats looking to increase muscle mass, but have a hard time getting the rest and recovery needed, a melatonin supplement might just be what you need.
Melatonin has been studiedto show a favorable effect on body weight and energy metabolism (Dube, 2022). In a study done by Clinical Endocrinology, researchers suggest that melatonin has the effect to lower adipocyte mass while increasing lean muscle mass (Amstrup, n.d.).
In addition, melatonin has also been shown to help protect and develop muscles by reducing exercise-induced oxidative damage (Dube, 2022). Not only does melatonin promote a sleep full of recovery and restorative properties, but it also serves as an antioxidant that can help minimize the oxidative damage caused by exercise.
MetaBurn P.M.
What is it?
MetaBurn P.M. is a great source of an adequate amount of melatonin to help you sleep and recover those muscles! MetaBurn P.M has nighttime properties and ingredients that aid in a deep and restful sleep! This nighttime supplement not only works as an effective fat burner throughout the night, but also has been formulated to use as a safe sleep-aid!
How does it work?
MetaBurn P.M. contains 2mg of melatonin per serving to promote a safe and non-habit forming supplement to help you fall and stay asleep! The most revolutionary and cutting-edge sleep-inducing ingredients, Zylaria™ and MitoBurn® have also been integrated into this product to work effectively in helping you get a good night rest. The powerful metabolism-boosting ingredient MitoBurn® and Sensoril® ashwagandha are also added to this nighttime blend to supercharge fat burning while you sleep and overall help manage stress!
Melatonin is a naturally occurring endogenous hormone that can be used in supplement form to promote a restful night of sleep. This dietary supplement may be added to your night routine to help you fall asleep and stay asleep for optimal performance the next day.
Melatonin has many benefits other than helping you fall asleep at night. It has been shown to have healthy effects on fat loss and lean muscle mass. Although melatonin is safe to use, it is important to consult with your doctor before taking.
Having an adequate amount of sleep each night is a great way to recover, restore energy, and repair broken down muscle tissues. If you have certain physique goals such as fat loss or lean muscle mass, but have a hard time getting in a good 7-9 hours of sleep each night, melatonin might be a great solution!
Luckily for you, we have created a top tier formula in our new product, MetaBurn P.M. that includes 2mg of melatonin to aid in sleep promotion as well as fat-burning properties to give you an all-in-one product!
Low-dose melatonin & weight loss. Low-Dose Melatonin & Weight Loss: The Center for Internal and Integrative Medicine: Integrative Medicine Doctors. (n.d.). Retrieved January 17, 2023, from https://www.centerforinternalmed.com/blog/low-dose-melatonin-weight-loss#:~:text=Melatonin%20fights%20fat%20in%20two,calorie%20burning%20mechanism%20into%20action.
Dube, P. (2022, October 13). How does melatonin help with fat and muscle gain? HealthifyMe. Retrieved January 17, 2023, from https://www.healthifyme.com/blog/how-does-melatonin-help-with-fat-and-muscle-gain/#:~:text=melatonin%20has%20a%20favourable%20effect,reducing%20exercise%2Dinduced%20oxidative%20damage.
Amstrup AK;Sikjaer T;Pedersen SB;Heickendorff L;Mosekilde L;Rejnmark L; (n.d.). Reduced fat mass and increased lean mass in response to 1 year of melatonin treatment in postmenopausal women: A randomized placebo-controlled trial. Clinical endocrinology. Retrieved January 17, 2023, from https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26352863/
At AstroFlav, we want the best for our customers. It is our goal to help everyone achieve their fitness goals and steer them in the right direction with trust-worthy advice AND trust-worthy supplements!
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